
Metro app RESTful http request

I´m trying to receive a response from a weather server that implements a REST webservice. The webservice returns a xml response.

I came across an example-application that displays blogreadings, and was hoping to be able to modify it for my purpose..

Could you please clarify if the SyndicationFeed variable will contain the response (in my case the xml file)?

private string uri = the uri to the weatherservice I'm trying to access.

SyndicationClient client = new SyndicationClient();

Uri feedUri = new Uri(uri);

SyndicationFeed feed = await client.RetrieveFeedAsync(feedUri);

I ws hoping that "feed" would contain the xml response, but not sure if I have understood the concept right..

I am trying get some indication that I receive something but fail to do so.

cheers / Christian