
Message Box in Metro Style XP, W7 and W8

Paulo Martins

Paulo Martins


Let's get straight to the point, a time'm implementing a Message Box in Metro Style with Windows Forms and C # implementation was cool, but I'm having problems with semi transparent background on windows XP, use the method:

this.BackColor = Color.FromArgb (0x46, 0x69, 0x69, 0x69);

This model worked perfectly on windows 7 and 8 on XP but not also renders simply ignores the parameter Alpha. and beyond it depending on the system model theme he does not respond to Alpha too.

Even after searching I did not find something that really works perfectly in this Annex I developed a model based on other examples, to work on Windows XP, 7 and 8, the background is semi transparent independent of themes but does not render the controls inside the form of message simply ignores all content.

Hope you can give me a help.

Thank you in advance.

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