MenuStrip MouseEnter and MouseLeave Events
I am a relative newcomer to .Net and have what I hope to be a simple question regarding the MenuStrip and the MouseEnter and MouseLeave events.
The Situation:
I have a main app form that has a menuStrip with toolStripItems representing the various menus for the main form. The form also has a StatusStrip with a label on it.
The Goal:
Use the menuStrip MouseEnter and MouseLeave events to do the following:
1) Determine which ToolStripItem the mouse is over (if any).
2) Update the statusStrip label with a message appropriate to the menu that the mouse is over.
Can someone please help? I have tried all that I can think off and am left with the prospect of each Menu having its own MouseEnter and MouseLeave event handler. I am sure that there has to be a better way. Thanks.