
Many to Many Table Controller Create

Guest User

Guest User

I have a project for school to make an auction website.
I made it in ASP.NET MVC  database first (with edmx things) 
So i have in my project 3 tables + some others:
  • Auctions
  • Users
  • Users_Offers with : IdUsersOffers, AmountBid, DateBid, IdUser, IdAuction
That's the auction Page .
How can i write the controller for User_Offers  to add bid  for the current auction but to have DateBid = Datetime.Now; , IdAuction = current auction ; IdUser = User.identity.getuserid() when i pressed the "Bid Now", and only to write the amount that i want to bid in the input shown there?
I don't mind if when I press the "Bid Now" to redirect me to another page like this:
But i want the informations from the previous page (IdAuction) to be saved
I tried to make it automatically with entity framework but the result was giving me a list with all auctions and all users and I want only the current auction and current user authenticated.
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