
losing the will

james thomas

james thomas

hi guys i'm trying seriously hard to teach myself c#. However im stuck in the middle of nowhere and no colleges near me run a c# course + im in full time employment. I have a number of very good books and videos to aid in my learning and i am learning alot but i need someone who knows what they are doing to look over my stuff and show me where im going wrong. I've looked at open university but they dont run any c# courses only java . basicly im hoping one of you guys can point me to a c# course i can take where i can ask for help when needed. I'm working my way through Apress's 'Illustrated c#' using sybex's complete c# as a reference and using www.learnvisualstudio.net's c# videos to aid in my understanding. any help or suggestions would be great. cheers guys/gals Jay
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