
Looking to Convert Files from OLM to PST using OLM Converter

Stepheny Stanley

Stepheny Stanley

I was working on Mac platform for last few years but now due to some reasons I have planned to move on to Windows system again. But there is one issue I am experiencing that my database of outlook 2011 is not transferring to windows outlook. I have exported outlook 2011 database as olm files. I have tried to transfer my files using IMAP configuration but as I have a large amount of database, will it be a quick process????? IMAP configuration will surely save my money but it looks like a complicated process of database migration from mac to PC.

Now I have searched some other ways for migration on GOOGLE then I have found "http://www.olm-to-pst.blogspot.comthis link & got a olm converter. I have downloaded their free version & completely checked its working process; it works fine for me. But it asks for some payment to convert all files from olm to pst.

Will It be OKAY??? to invest in this tool.

Need Suggestions, Urgently?????

Just to Update, this is the Linkhttp://www.systoolsgroup.com/outlook-mac-exporter.html which helped me finally.
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