
Login Report failed when implemented in other machine

sanjeet kumar

sanjeet kumar


 I am sanjeet  Currently working on  C#.  I have Designed a webform in which 8 parameter are passed to crystal report. In the crystal report file I have used  parameter field and  formula field . In the rpt file I have used sql server and I brought the database field by using the  database option avaliable in Field explorer. After that I used these fields in my formula. My aim is to give column name of a particular table of a database at runtime and show its value in the report file . When this file is executed, it run sucessfully and It shows the proper report.

I  am using  .Net 2003 Architect and SQL 2000 server as database.

When this file is implemented on other machine which is using sql server with diffrent password for sa. Then a exception is thrown from crystal report engine saying Login report failed.
Please Help

Thanks In advance