
Local Data Base - sdf in windows form applicaiton




I am working on a project where I need to read some information from a program and store it in a DB in my app. My app should be able then to read the information and display form the DB in a data grid view so that the user can add/edit and delete some records.

I am considering the C# local database files for this, where from C# project/solution, I can create a "local database" by right-clicking on my application in the Solution Explorer and clicking "Add"->"New Item"->"Local Database". Then it's shown in the Database Explorer and I can use it. I managed to bind the database to some fields also in my form. But I have some few questions as I have not been able to get a strong understanding of the research that I did. I am not confident enough of the following:

- How does the local DB (sdf) works and where does it write?

- Does it store the details in the memory for example? Or a file?

- What is the limitation of using this?

- In terms of time and efficiency not sure if this approach is fast to write to and read from. And not sure how efficient can be considered

- I am assuming that the local database is only available to the instance the application runs in. Would it be possible also to make a database server which can accessed by other applications or other instances on the same application? Like multiple users who all see the same data?