List<Employee> employees = new List<Employee>();
employees.Add(new Employee { empId = 1, empName = "Emp1", deptId = 1 });
employees.Add(new Employee { empId = 2, empName = "Emp2", deptId = 2 });
employees.Add(new Employee { empId = 3, empName = "Emp3", deptId = 1 });
employees.Add(new Employee { empId = 4, empName = "Emp4", deptId = 3 });
employees.Add(new Employee { empId = 5, empName = "Emp5", deptId = 4 });
List<Department> depts = new List<Department>();
depts.Add(new Department() { deptId = 1, deptName = "CSE" });
depts.Add(new Department() { deptId = 2, deptName = "IT" });
depts.Add(new Department() { deptId = 3, deptName = "CIVIL" });
I need to Dispaly all the employees with department name, if the departmet is not exists in need to display null for that employye
i tried with
var result = (from emp in employees
join dept in depts on emp.deptId equals dept.deptId
into a
from b in a.DefaultIfEmpty(new Department())
select new
empId = emp.empId,
empName = emp.empName,
deptId = b.deptId,
department = b.deptName
but still it is retrunign only 4 Employees whoever having the departments in Departmet table.
Can any one help in this.