
Latency modes of Garbage collection

Vahaj uddin

Vahaj uddin

I have some problem in understanding some thing regarding latency modes in garbage collection please help me out,

what is the meaning of these 2 lines in below Batch and Iterative modes of garbage collection

Batch: This mode is designed for maximum throughput at the expense of responsiveness.

Iterative: This mode balances responsiveness with throughput.

Disables garbage collection concurrency and reclaims objects in a batch call. This is the most intrusive mode.
This mode is designed for maximum throughput at the expense of responsiveness.
This mode overrides the <gcConcurrent> runtime configuration setting. If <gcConcurrent> is enabled, switching to Batch mode prevents any further concurrent collections.
This is the only valid mode for the server garbage collector. It is equivalent to garbage collection on a workstation that is not concurrent. 

The default latency mode. Enables garbage collection concurrency and reclaims objects while the application is running. This is the default mode for garbage collection on a workstation and is less intrusive.
This mode balances responsiveness with throughput.
This mode is equivalent to garbage collection on a workstation that is concurrent.
This mode is not available on the server garbage collector.

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