
Is software application Design and Architecture a secret ? Then why people hide it from you

vbzaidan z

vbzaidan z

Hi all ...

My name : zidan 

(( My skill ))  
(flash actionscript = intermediate , c# = intermediate , php = beginner level , mysql = intermediate ,sqlserver = intermediate , ado.net = intermediate ,sqllite = intermediate ) developer .

My Weak area ( converting my idea into oops means creating classes and object even though i know the concept but sitll not able to implement this concept into my project

(( My problem ))
  i   don't have real team work experience and i dont have time all project i did so far all are  normal once means i used function procedure ,, i know  the concept of oops But how to implement the concept in my real life project i tried from 2 years to develop even small project  but no one help me .. i read and download many books on design pattern and MVC and UML  but still i didnt get it
i need a proper guidance since you people have lots of experience developing  application i want to start building application based on oops concept please if you kindly can help me ... in short i want to learn how to convert my project idea and wireframing to Classes and how to Relate those classes with each other  .
i even gone through forums but they didn't acutely teach you how to implement oops from the start ( only partial help ) sometime i think it is a secret people  keep hiding even from other you wont find oops implementation even for small size project  in books , video training .. i tried a lot .. they only show theory  with  very simple example and then jump to the next point ..

(( My Request))

--> guide me how to architect any project in oops ...
 i am doing Currently  medium size project i am  working on it  using ( C# 2005 , 2008 , Ado.net 3.5 or 2.0 , sqlserver 2005 , or 2008 ) i have knowledge in all these 3 areas  .

- plus i did full study on this project since it is also for personal and public needs ( later when i publish it ) .

- the database design somewhat easy with little modification needed ..

- 80 % of this project is already done but i just used function procedure style not opps that means i am reusing only the functions but i want it to make it in oops using MVC OOPs style . moreover i lost all data of this project because of my brother accidentally format the hard drive .
But later i spent 3 month working on the wire-framing work flow i even made it better the previous one with more options and features

** please **
i m ready to pay for the honest expert who is going to help on through out the project .. if any one would like to join my ( one person team )
he/she most welcome ... at the end all of us will gain experiences and name .. i m sure there many people have the same problem tht i had ... no loss ...

(( about this little project ))  

it is Expenses Budget controller My father actually requested me if i can do this since he is writing his daily expenses in a notebook i have seen many software that does the job  but i didn't like their user interface  and usability concept they make entering data long task complicated process .. so i decide to make a better one considering ease of use , automation entry options , better UI Finally,,,,, of course  i could go further explaining the project in details  i have all UI and database and how it is going to work documents but i want to see if you can take my hand and guide me .

Thanks for c-sharpcorner.com forum owner for opening their door and offering hands to guide us help us ...

I would appreciate your immediate attention to this ... please let me know what action you propose for me to take according to my above situation ..

Best Regard

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