
Is possible to add parameter to stored procedure using list

mohit gupta

mohit gupta

Is it possible to add parameter using list in c# to pass that parameters to a store procedure.
when we want to add parameter to store procedure we write a code
cmd. parameter .add ("@variablename",Value of that  variable)
but i have a table and in that table i have 5 columns and i have written a stored procedure for inserting value in a table.
 when i add the value with the help   of C# code as just i define above[cmd. parameter .add ("@variablename",Value of that variable)]
But My ques is that i do not want to add variable name in my   cmd. parameter .add ("Here i want to declare something as a index no. which identify what value  inserted in appropriate column",Value of that variable)
Can it possible in c# code
thanks in advance........................ 
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