
Invalid Procedure Call or Argument in VBA

Hi All,
    In VBA i am using Following Code to read and write from one text file to another text file with some process.it will work fine for few lines.after that it shows the Error Invalid Procedure call or Argument at the line tss.WriteLine TextToWrite. i debug the code the line show the value like flowing screen shot.
I am using following code for read and write
Sub TextFile_ReadData()
Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
Dim ThisLine As String
Dim InsertIndex As Long
Dim TempIndex As Long
Dim CurrentLine As Long
' TextStream Varaiable For Write Data
Dim ts, tss As TextStream

' fso for open a Exsisting file and Read Data
Set ts = fso.OpenTextFile(filereadpath, ForReading, TristateTrue)

' fso for Create a file and Wite Data
Set tss = fso.CreateTextFile(filewritepath, True)

Dim TextToWrite As String
Dim InsertCounter As Long
Dim ArrSplit() As String
Dim SplitString As String
SplitString = "]) VALUES"

TextToWrite = "$"
Do Until ts.AtEndOfStream

'Read the current line
ThisLine = ts.ReadLine '=> Read Line by Line
CurrentLine = CurrentLine + 1
' Read the Line Until the First Spcae and Return the word Count & Assign to TAssign
InsertIndex = InStr(1, ThisLine, "INSERT [dbo].")

'Write the previous line into target file
If (InsertIndex = 1) Then

If (TextToWrite <> "$") Then
tss.WriteLine TextToWrite
End If

If (TextToWrite <> "$") Then

If (InsertCounter = 0) Then
tss.WriteLine TextToWrite
TempIndex = InStrRev(TextToWrite, ",")
tss.WriteLine Left(TextToWrite, TempIndex - 1) & ";"
End If

End If

End If

If (InsertIndex = 1) Then
'Insert Found
InsertCounter = InsertCounter + 1
ArrSplit = Split(ThisLine, SplitString)
If Not IsEmpty(ArrSplit) And UBound(ArrSplit) >= 1 Then

If (InsertCounter = 1) Then
'tss.WriteLine ThisLine & ","
TextToWrite = ThisLine & ","
' tss.WriteLine ArrSplit(1) & ","
TextToWrite = ArrSplit(1) & ","
End If


'tss.WriteLine ThisLine
TextToWrite = ThisLine
InsertCounter = 0
End If

'tss.WriteLine ThisLine
TextToWrite = ThisLine
InsertCounter = 0
End If
tss.WriteLine TextToWrite
End Sub
can any one try to help me.
                                                        Thank you...
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