Please answer below questions
1- i want to create web api and share end point to other team , i want to share 2 -3 action methods of controller only . Controller has 8-9 methods also which our team can call.
what should be approach for web api writing and how to share end point to other team.
2 - i want to create web api and share it to external company so they can consume it .
what setting and approach i follow.
3- what is reflection in C#
4- what is difference in conventional tpye and generics type.
5- Generics does not do boxing and unboxing , how do generics do data conversion and where it store data.
6- Real example of extension method in C#
7- flow of action filter in mvc with real example
8 - we have created custom error method , i want if error comes at any places in project , this method calls, what is setting require in MVC
9 - how can we crete single page application with Angular 2 and web api.