
Intelligent Tile View / Dynamic Datagrid for Displaying Serial Communication



Hi Community I am working on a communication logger for Serial comm. I have got 2 Channels (COM Ports) which are recieving data. The data structure is a 6 byte long dataset containing a Status-byte, a Character-byte and 4 Timestamp-bytes. I already created a storage class (inheriting CollectionBase and implementing the IList and IColletion interfaces) to access the single DataSets like an Array. Now I need to display this Data in a Windows Form. I need a possibility to display Data from both channels in a Line e.g. chan A is uppercase and chan B is lowercase. When the line is full, go to the next line untill the screen is full. I thought about a DataGrid but found no way to display 2 Channels in it without using two grid lines. Also I found it hard to calculate the needed space for 1 DataSet when resizing the Form. What I also need is all other Information about the DataSet when I click on it. Think about the Windows Charmap (System32\charmap.exe) just resizable and with upper or lowercased chars or a horizontal seperator in it. How can I do such things? Many Thanks Blooop