
Instructions for newbie needed




hi I am a c# newbie, just started learning it by building my first application, the idea is a service diary like application: only 2 forms included: frmMain and frmAddNewService. and the database is MS ACCESS db: "ServiceReminderDB" that only has one table contains all the service details.

On frmMain, I have 3 areas,

1st one is a combobox : "comboboxViews". it contains 5 different views: (Pending services, Services for selected customer, Services on a selected date, Completed services, and All services).

2nd area is the "view" area, Only one "view" is visiable at a time depending on user's choice. When user select "Pending services", panelPendingServices will appear that contains a listbox with all the Pending services displayed. When user select "Services for selected customer", the panelServicesForCustomer will apear that contains a comboboxCustomerList and a listboxServForSelectedCustomer (when a customer is selected, the services for his/her will be shown in the listbox). The "Services on a selected date is similar to the second view, (instead of a combobox, a datetimepicker is there for user to select a date). When the view "Completed Services" is selected, the panelCompletedServices shows up that contains a listboxCompletedServices with all services that are completed. Finally, when user selected "All services" view, the panelAllServices will show up with a listboxAllServices containing all services.

3rd area is the service details area that contains related controls corresponding to the database columns such as ServiceCharge : textbox; ServiceDueDate: dateTimePicker. also 2 buttons are in this area: "Modify" and "Remove" wich let user to either modify this service in or remove this service from the database. When a service record in the listboxes (from any selected view panel) is selectted, the detailed data of that service will be shown in this area

The frmAddNewService is fairly simple, which shows up when "Add button" is clicked on frmMain and allows user to add a new service.

Now I have done all the visual design, when different view option is selected from the first area, the corresponding view panel will become visible (other views will become invisible). and the service details areas are also done. Next step is to bind the data to controls and code the input validation, basically all data access stuff.

I built a VB.NET 2003 project with SQL Server2000 previously, ADO.net in .net 2005 is very different, I read some articles, walkthroughs and articles, found that it's very easy to do the databindings. However, the seperated dataset file confused me, what should I do when I need to validate a user-input value when adding a new or modifing an existing service? How can I code the btnAdd/btnModify/btnRemove events?

I am still trying to learn it as much as possible by myself, However, I need guide, instructions and detailed help to make this project happen, and eventually be able to enjoy coding in C#.net

The exact help I need for now would be help on the databindings for this particular case and the add/modify/remove button events details.

thx in advance