
Instant Messanger SERVER/CLIENT How To.

thiago costa

thiago costa

Hello there guys,

I was looking at this link :


well. I failed. :(

I was wondering if some one could possibly help me with this Messanger Server/Client please.

I will pay you if you help me. I know it might take some time. I would like to do this in a TeamViewer  session if possible please,since I want to learn it.

This is what I have , I think I have everything I need.
c# express 2008, sql 2000 sp4.

I would like to know if some one could please  possibly help me create a MESSANGER SERVER application, if possible using sockets. if not, its fine. Anything will do, it doesn't have to be in sockets(i dont even know the difference to tell you the truth, all i heard is that sockets will lag the server less).

Then, please,if also possible

I would like to know if I could at the same time, get help on how to create a Messanger Client for the MESSANGER SERVER please.

I want to use the database, so that people can register accounts into it, and then, so people can login using those credentials to enter the messanger and be able to chat. :D ... Sounds so hard  to me. I know its hard. I will pay.

The reason why I need this, is because i dream to learn this language. I learn fast I promisse.

Thank you so so much.
Answers (1)