
Inserting collums data from 3 different tables into new table

osyris zosar

osyris zosar

I have 3 table,
table: "db.Users"
has columns: UserId, FirstName, Lastname, Email
table: "db.Roles"
has columns:  RolesId, RoleName 
Table: "db.UserRoles" 
Has columns:  UserId, RolesId
And I would like to Insert the information from the top
3 tables into a new existing table named
Table: "db.UsersWithRoles" 
with  5 columns:  UserId, FirstName, Lastname, Email, RoleName
I have tried to use  Inner join but it is not really what i was looking for 
because i want to add it to an existing table so i can read it with C# mvc and post it on my website
I am not really sure how I am able to achive this.
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