
Insert value dynamically in Json object in existing key

Gaurav Kapahi

Gaurav Kapahi

**Below code output**: I am able to get json as below by this code
"ContainerId": "848dc1ca-04ae-457e-b6ac-0dee454816c4",
"ContainerName": "Container1"
**Needed Output**: But I want to insert value dynamically like below json in array that contains multiple container ID and Container Name
I have to make json like this
                 "ContainerId": ["848dc1ca-04ae-457e-b6ac-0dee454816c4",
                  "ContainerName": ["Container1","Container2"]
This is the code which for reference, Please let me know how I can do this in C#
var jsonDiaptchObject = JObject.Parse(stockItem.Payload);
var oldDispatchItem = await _stockItemService.GetStockItemFor(stockItem.Identifier);
foreach (var dispatchItem in packItemRequest.DispatchItems)
containerid = Guid.NewGuid();
KeyValuePair<string, string>[] propertyDispatchs = new KeyValuePair<string, string>[]
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("ContainerId", containerid.ToString()),
        new KeyValuePair<string, string>("ContainerName",           dispatchItem.Container.ToString())
string olddispatchValue = null;
foreach (var propertyDispatch in propertyDispatchs)
if (jsonDiaptchObject.ContainsKey(propertyDispatch.Key))
              olddispatchValue = JObject.Parse(stockItem.Payload)     [propertyDispatch.Key]?.ToString(); 
//jsonDiaptchObject.Add(propertyDispatch.Key.Insert(0, propertyDispatch.Value));
       jsonDiaptchObject.Add(propertyDispatch.Key, propertyDispatch.Value);
stockItem.Payload = jsonDiaptchObject.ToString();
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