when convert null to decimal i get error input string not in correct format
how to solve it
- public static object ExecuteScalar(string sql, DbParameter[] @params = null)
- {
- if (sql == "") return "";
- object result = null;
- lock (synObj)
- {
- sql = AnalyizeBooleanFields(sql);
- cmd.CommandText = sql;
- cmd.Parameters.Clear();
- if (@params != null)
- {
- for (int i = 0; i < @params.Length; i++)
- {
- cmd.Parameters.Add(@params[i]);
- }
- }
- if (Connection.State != ConnectionState.Open)
- Connection.Open();
- if (WithTransaction)
- cmd.Transaction = _transaction;
- result = cmd.ExecuteScalar();
- if (!WithTransaction)
- Connection.Close();
- }
- return (result == null || result == DBNull.Value) ? "" : result;
- }
- private decimal GetLastReading(string UnitCode, string Year, string Month)
- {
- string sqlquery = "";
- if (txtMonth.Text == "1")
- {
- sqlquery = "select CurrentMeterReading from WAHInvoice where UnitCode=" + UnitCode + " and Month = 12 And Year =" + (Convert.ToInt32(Year) - 1).ToString() + "";
- }
- else
- {
- sqlquery = "select CurrentMeterReading from WAHInvoice where UnitCode='" + UnitCode + "' and Month = '" + (Convert.ToInt32(Month) - 1).ToString() + "' And Year ='" + Year + "'";
- }
- return ConvertToDecimal(DataAccess.ExecuteScalar(sqlquery));
- }
when call i do as following
- decimal LastMeterReading = GetLastReading(dt.Rows[i]["UnitCode"].ToString(), txtYear.Text, txtMonth.Text).ToString();
Now if sqlquery not return any row it give me exception from function GetLastReading
Input string not in correct format when query return null to decimal value .
so that how to avoid this error please.