

Prime b

Prime b

Create a class named Tape that includes fi elds for length and
width in inches and properties for each fi eld. Also include a
ToString() method that returns a string constructed from
the return value of the object's GetType() method and
the values of the length and width fi elds. Derive two subclasses—
VideoTape and AdhesiveTape. Th e VideoTape class
includes an integer fi eld to hold playing time in minutes and
a property for the fi eld. Th e AdhesiveTape class includes an
integer fi eld that holds a stickiness factor—a value restricted
to fall in the range of 1 to 10—and a property for the fi eld.
Write a program that instantiates one object of each of the
three classes, and demonstrate that all of each class's methods
work correctly. Be sure to use valid and invalid values when
testing the numbers you can use to set the AdhesiveTape
class stickiness factor.

I think I didn't do it correctly, could you look at it? please

=============================MAIN METHOD========================
namespace TapeDemo
  class Program
  static void Main(string[] args)
  AdhesiveTape tape1 = new AdhesiveTape();
  VideoTape tape2 = new VideoTape();
  Tape tape3 = new Tape();

  tape1.StickFactor = 2;
  tape1.Length = 20;
  tape1.Width = 10;

  Console.WriteLine(tape1.StickFactor+" "+" "+tape1.Length+" "+tape1.Width);

  tape2.PlayingTime = 20;
  tape2.Length = 2;
  tape2.Width = 5;

  Console.WriteLine(tape2.PlayingTime + " " + tape2.Length + " " + tape2.Width);

  tape3.Length = 41;
  tape3.Width = 51;

  Console.WriteLine(tape3.Length +" "+ tape3.Width);


===========================PARENT CLASS================================

namespace TapeDemo
  class Tape
  private int length;
  private int width;
  public int Length
  get { return length; }
  set { length = value; }
  public int Width
  get { return width; }
  set { width = value; }
  public override string  ToString()
  return (GetType() + " " + length + " " + width);

==========================Child class 1=============================

namespace TapeDemo
  class VideoTape : Tape
  int playingTime;

  public int PlayingTime
  get { return playingTime; }
  set { playingTime = value; }

=========================Child class 2===============================

namespace TapeDemo
  class AdhesiveTape : Tape
  int stickFactor;

  public int StickFactor
  get { return stickFactor; }
  if ((stickFactor > 1) && (stickFactor < 10))
  stickFactor = value;
  Console.WriteLine("WRONG NUMBER");

Answers (9)