
IN Operator how to use MySQL

how to ssrs report include the IN opertor
SELECT DISTINCT s.time_ref, s.time_date, s.time_hrs, s.time_emp, e.emp_code, e.emp_firstname, i.WBSACTIVITY
FROM site_timesheet s, site_employee_master e, in_wbs_master i
WHERE (time_date BETWEEN ? AND ?) AND (s.time_emp = e.emp_id) AND (s.time_act = i.WBSCDE) AND (emp_code IN (?))
GROUP BY s.time_emp, s.time_ref, s.time_date, s.time_type, i.WBSACTIVITY, s.time_hrs, e.emp_firstname
Error Multivalue Not accept in Emp_code
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