
In Crystal report of c# multiple combination generate how to

Hiren Raiyani

Hiren Raiyani


In c# i am create final sheet and on that i send set to data-table into data set then that automatically display combination of record in report?

K_Print k = new K_Print(); k.Database.Tables["baki"].SetDataSource(dt2); k.Database.Tables["jma"].SetDataSource(dt1); crystalReportViewer1.ReportSource = k;

final output of crystal report, display two separate result of different data-tables but output in combination of record display

For ex: dt1 have record like:

1 abc

2 pqr

dt2 have record like:

abc rajkot

then final report output like:(two part of output)

1 abc abc rajkot

2 pqr abc rajkot

. .


so on...

required output is only:

1 abc abc rajkot

2 pqr