Thank you for your replay..
One of our lecturers shown us to create DAO and Facade in Distribute Information System module as I am doing my BSc final Year and I have submitted my final year project using same component it is a retail management system. Another teacher who was taking my demonstration she told me I have done totally wrong and give me zero "0" in my final project because I have implemented 4 DAO
1. Global DAO for user verifications
2. System Admin DAO for system admin operation (have a different client)
3. Warehouse DAO for Warehouse Operation. (Have a different client)
3. Local Store DAO for local Store Operation. (Have a different client)
As I have some personal problem with her as well during my course run time but did not told me where I am wrong. I have implemented A global DAO which is for only verify user authentication for whole company and try to give her total satisfactory answer from my point of view but she was not ready to accept any thing

Store_WS_401 is workstation for store number 401
Store_WS_403 is workstation for store number 403
System_Admin_WS is also workstation for System Admin
WareHouse_WS is also workstation for Warehouse
Those 4 are client application in my project and can be located in different places