

Jonathan Cox

Jonathan Cox


Ok, so I'm trying to make a blackjack game, and each time you take a new card, it is supposed to create a new picturebox and put in the image for the card.  I have an array of cards created and they have a value and the resource file that is the picture of the card.  I have an array of pictureboxes created. I tried using
CardPicture is the array of pictureboxes. and Card is the array of cards.
i is ran off of a counter... y is the randomly chosen card number.
I assume this doesn't work because I'm trying to create it at runtime.  I'm getting an error that says ImageLocation has to be set.  Problem is from what I see, it has to be the filepath or a url.  So it seems like I need to use
I don't know what to put here to call it from my resource file?
and what if the filepath changes if the program gets sent to a different computer?
Thanks for any help.
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