
ImageAdmin ocx Control in C# - HOWTO Append Images



Hi I am trying to Append images in C# using the ImageAdmin.ocx control. The Append function requires that 5 parameters be passed when the function is called. Here is what is required by the Append function Append ( System.String source , System.Int32 sourcePage , System.Int32 numPages , System.Object compressionType , System.Object compressionInfo ) Member of AxAdminLibCtl.AxImgAdmin. I have tried 3 different ways of calling this function and to no avail, each call giving me a different error. Here are the 3 calls and the errors: 1)Append(sourcestring,1,1) Error: No overloaded method for Append takes 3 arguments 2)Append(sourcestring,1,1,null,null) Error: Illegal Function Call: Bad optional parameter 3)Append(sourcestring,1,1,(object)Comptype,(object)CompInfo) Error: Illegal Function call: Bad optional parameter Could anyone please give me hand with how to call this function so that it'll work correctly? Thanks
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