Hi guys n gals... mega nubie here
completley new to this c~ stuff, kind of feel like i am on the brink of understanding it but keep getting stuck, completley stuck.
i am on a mission to create the best image editor program for an assignment towards my uni degree.
i have created a window, i can open close jpeg/bmp files and rotate them in the x & y. no mean feat but for me its a miricle : )3
anyway i am trying to follow some code that allows me to generate a small window displaying image info, see below, anyway i keep getting error messages, i know to you guys they may be stupid and easy to cure, i got no chance on my own..
please help me find out whats wrong with this code...
void imagePropertiesToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
string w = memBitmap.Width.ToString();
string h = memBitmap.Height.ToString();
string vRes =memBitmap.VerticalResolution.ToString();
string hRes = memBitmap.HorizontalResolution.ToString();
string pFormat = memBitmap.PixelFormat.ToString();
string phyDim = memBitmap.PhysicalDimension.ToString();
"Image Width =" +w+ "\n"+
"Image Height =" +h+ "\n"+
"Verticle Resolution =" +vRes+ "\n"+
"Horizontal Resolution =" +hRes+"\n"+
"Pixel Format = "+pFormat+ "\n"+
"Physical Dimension = "+phyDim+"\n"+
"image Information",MessageBoxButtons.OK,MessageBoxIcon.Information);