
IIS in Windows 7 Ultimate





  I have installed IIS in my Windows 7 OS. I am having Administrative rights to my user.
  I am using visual studio -2008.
  While adding a web reference to my project I am getting the below error message

  "Active Directory Services cannot find the web server. A possible cause for this is an incompatibility between versions of Internet Information
   Server (IIS) on the client and the server. Another possible cause is that IIS is not installed on the local machine, or the user identity under
   which you are running may not have permissions to view websites on this machine. To view websites on this machine, make sure that you
   run Visual Studio as administrator. On Windows Vista computers with IIS installed, make sure that IIS Metabase and IIS 6 configuration
   compatibility feature is enabled."

  I am unable to access the web service.
  Please give me the soluion.
Answers (2)