
Ideas for showing yearly values!

Jahangir Khan

Jahangir Khan


The app should view personal data plus year & amount for subscription for user.

The year filed is a combo Box where the present and previous years will be displayed, once the user data is called with corresponding value to the filed Amount (text box).

While viewing the personal data of user it should be possible to toggle with the year’s forward and backwards to see the amounts user has paid over the years.

New user with either no history or with some history for earlier years can be added and updated.

Now the application I have yet can perfrom single query's Lets say the Top portion is OK where there is Personal Data (Name, Cellular, Email, Address) it connects to Table Members in Test Data Base 
Second portion of the form where there is a Combo Box (Year) & a Text Box (Amount) it connects to Table Payments in the same Test Data Base.
Question is is there a smarter way to construct my database where I can add and remove edit values for Year & Amount, because due to Primary Key "MemberID" in both Tables plus an Forigen Key for "PaymentID" in Payments Table which is hidden I can't seem to duplicate data. Please let me know if I am confused or the idea is totely rubbish !   
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