
I need help sending data back and form in Windows Forms




I am trying to pass data back and forth windows forms but I am having trouble. What I am trying to do is this:

I have a mainForm that has 2 textboxes called plainText and ChiperText. This main form also has a menu bar of different algo to choose from(for instance shift Chiper).

When shift chiper is clicke id launched a new form(shiftchiper.cs). It has some options and it also have a toolbar with Encrypt and decrypt.

When encrypt is hit I want to take the data from mainForm PlainText textbox and encrypt it. Once encrypted send it back to the mainForms chiperText box.

If they hit decrypt it's the same thing just reversed.

By using this tutorial( I used the property way)


I been able to send the PlainText data to the shiftChiper form and encrypt it. What I can't do is send the new encrypted data back to the ChiperText textbox in the mainForm.

So anyone know how to do this?

I simple example would be nice. It can be just 2 textboxes on one form and a button. when the button is clicked a form2 is made and it sends over one of the textboxes. One form2 it can have a button when clicked it sends the data that was sent back to form1.

I am doing it in C# by the way.
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