
i need complete C++ programs for these 2 algos

Abhishek  Jaiswal

Abhishek Jaiswal

i need complete C++ programs for these 2 algos

Algorithm 2 (Traversing a linear array)this algorithm traverses a linear array LA with lower bound LB and upper bound UB. 1. Repeat for K = LB to UB: Apply process to LA[K] [End of loop] 2.Exit

Algorithm 3. (inserting into a linear array)INSERT(LA,N,K,ITEM) Here LA is a linear array with N elements and K is a positive integer such that K<=N.This algorithm inserts an element ITEM into the Kth Position in LA. 1.[Initialize counter.]set j:= N. 2.Repeat steps 3 and 4 while j >= K. 3. [Move jth element downward.] set LA[j+1] := LA [j]. 4.[Decrease counter.] set j := j -1. [End of step 2 loop] 5. [insert element] set LA[K] := ITEM. 6.[Reset N] set N:=N +1 7.Exit