
I have some coding task . if someone can help on that




Task 1: 

  • Convert to a Windows Form
  • Input is a textbox containing a file location, and use a button control to execute the process
  • File format is a text file containing a single line of input with the same format as the original task (Comma delimited list of game scores, can contain up to 38 games which would be a full season)
  • Output is the same results as the original task, written to a text file in the same folder path with the word RESULTS in front of the original file name (Example:  If the original file was C:\Temp\Scores.txt, the result file would be C:\Temp\RESULTSScores.txt).  If the output file already exists, overwrite with a new file.
  • If there are errors processing the file, indicate the error to the user in a message box. 
  • If there are no errors, provide a message box to the user stating that the process completed successfully and give the location of the results file.

Task 2:

  • Can remain as console application.
  • Accept two inputs
    • The word to print with minimum length 3, maximum length 20. If the word length is outside that range, notify the user of the error and prompt again.
    • A string indicating which corner should contain the first letter of the word (“UL” for Upper Left, “UR” for Upper Right, “LL” for Lower Left, “LR” for Lower Right).  If the input is not one of these 4 values, ask for the value again.  The word will be printed starting in the indicated corner and ending in the opposite corner (so a word starting in Upper Right would end in Lower Left)
  • Output should be the entered word printed diagonally in the direction indicated.

Task 3:

  • Convert to a windows form
  • Input is made via a textbox, and use a button to execute the code.
  • Allow the sequence of numbers to be any length between 2 and 10 numbers, separated by dashes. 
  • Results should be returned via a message box which either describes any error with the input data or returns the result of the data evaluation.

Task 4:

  • Can remain as console application.
  • Accept an input with a number between 1 and 12 (inclusive) for the size of the square to create.  If a value outside this range is provided, display an error and exit the application after the user presses any key.
  • Accept an input (Y or N) which indicates whether the values on the main diagonals (which form an X) say Green instead of Black or White.
  • Like the original task, the upper left corner would normally say White if it is not being changed to Green.
  • Put a space between each word of the output to make it more readable.
Answers (2)