
HttpWebRequest sending XML Data and getting Server 501 Server Internal Error.

Dwipayan Das

Dwipayan Das


Hi Mahesh
I am great learner of your articles in C# Corner.You articles helped me a lot to come out of critical issues.I am having a critical issue again.This time i am lucky that i got your mail-id .My senario is like below.
1) User logs on to JSP Server with his credentials.
2) He downloads a  C# Activex to his local machine.
3) He make some transactions like selecting some criteria (Multi criteria).and click action button on JSP Page.
4) Now another JSP page is created with some <Param> set and with a applu button.
5) when he clicks the apply button the activex is invoked from local machine and all public properties were set.
6) and a xml file is created as per the property values set.
7) then we have to send the xml file back to server with the same cookie.
but when i am sending the xmlfile is bytes using HttpWebrequest the session is new every time beacause it is from another thraed.
so how can i send the request back to server with same session id.

Thanks ____________