
html with a warning



I am wondering if you can tell me if there is anything wrong with the html listed below that is near the 14px listed below?
<p>To the &amp;PAR_NAME.EVAL of &amp;STU_FNAME.EVAL &amp;STU_LNAME.EVAL<br />
<span id="ADDR_BEG"></span>&amp;PAR_ADDR.EVAL<br /><span id="ADDR_NEXT"></span>&amp;PAR_CITY.EVAL, &amp;PAR_STATE.EVAL &amp;PAR_ZIP.EVAL<br /><span id="ADDR_END"></span>
<br />
Dear &amp;PAR_NAME.EVAL and &amp;STU_FNAME.EVAL &amp;STU_LNAME.EVAL:<br />
<br />
This letter is to inform you that &amp;STU_FNAME.EVAL has the equivalent of 5 or more unexcused absences this school year.&nbsp; <span style="font-size: 10pt; font-family: arial,sans-serif; color: black;"><span style="font-size: 14px; font-family: arial;">We believe student attendance in&nbsp;school is a key component to school success, so it is very important for all children to develop habits of good attendance. Poor attendance contributes to failing grades, decreased learning opportunities, lower academic achievement and may limit your child's opportunities to be involved with school activities.
</span><br />
<br />
</span><br />
I am asking this question since the value listed above is stored in a varchar(max) column in a sql server 2012 database. When an ssrs 2012 report is executed, the following error message is displayed:
"Warning 1 [rsParseErrorInvalidSize] Near character position 646 in the input string, the value of the font-size property for the textrun ‘stringtemplate3.Paragraphs[0].TextRuns[0]’ is “14px”, which is not a valid size. Valid sizes may not exceed 455 inches (1155.7 centimeters). ".
Answers (2)