I have a working jQuery DataTable that I render 1 query string for each link in a column. The edit, details and delete links of that column each receives the 1 parameter: the 'GbngUpdateId' value that is passed to the corresponding action method as a query string that it in turn uses as needed.
I now need to add 2 more parameters to the edit link of that column and pass them accordingly in the query string. They would be: 'PublishedSwitch' and 'AlertSentSwitch'.
The 2 extra parameters are in the list of this object that gets sent to the DataTable that it uses to build the grid.
- GbngUpdateForMaint gbngUpdateForMaint = new GbngUpdateForMaint
- {
- GbngUpdateId = hold.GbngUpdateId,
- GbngUpdateTitle = hold.GbngUpdateTitle,
- PublishedSwitch = hold.PublishedSwitch,
- PublishedDateTime = hold.PublishedDateTime,
- AlertSentSwitch = hold.AlertSentSwitch,
- };
How can I render these 2 extra parameters in the jQuery for that column in the Datatable?
I tried building it - the return string is syntactically correct.
For this column, 'data' refers to: gbngUpdateId.
I don't know how to access 'PublishedSwitch' and 'AlertSentSwitch' which are actually different columns on the same row. I want to use them too and send in the query string for this column.
I have ???? as placeholders for now.
- "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {
- return '"@Url.Action("EditGbngUpdate", "GbngUpdateMaint")?
- gbngUpdateId=' + data + '&publishedSwitch=' + ???? + '&alertSentSwitch='
- + ???? +'" class="editGbngUpdate">Edit |
- href="@Url.Action("DetailsGbngUpdate", "GbngUpdateMaint")?gbngUpdateId='
- + data + '" class="detailsGbngUpdate">Details |
- href="@Url.Action("DeleteGbngUpdate", "GbngUpdateMaint")?gbngUpdateId='
- + data + '" class="deleteGbngUpdate">Delete';
Here's the working jQuery DataTable(the grid) that I render 1 query string. The edit, details and delete action methods each receives the 1 parameter: GbngUpdateId value.
- var gbngUpdateListVM;
- $(function () {
- gbngUpdateListVM = {
- dt: null,
- init: function () {
- dt = $('#gbngupdates-data-table').DataTable({
- "serverSide": true,
- "processing": true,
- "ajax": {
- "url": "@Url.Action("GetGbngUpdatesForMaintList", "GbngUpdateMaint")",
- "dataType": "json",
- "data": function (data) {
- },
- "error": function (error) {
- $("#jsonErrorMessage").text(error.responseJSON.ErrorMessage);
- $("#jsonErrorMessage").css("display", "block");
- }
- },
- "columns": [
- {
- "title": "Actions",
- "data": "GbngUpdateId",
- "searchable": false,
- "sortable": false,
- "render": function (data, type, full, meta) {
- return ' + data + '" class="editGbngUpdate">Edit | + data + '" class="detailsGbngUpdate">Details | + data + '" class="deleteGbngUpdate">Delete';
- }
- },
- { "title": "Update Title", "data": "UpdateTitle", "searchable": true },
- { "title": "Published", "data": "PublishedSwitch", "searchable": true },
- { "title": "Published Date", "data": "PublishedDateTime", "searchable": true },
- { "title": "Alert Sent", "data": "AlertSentSwitch", "searchable": true }
- ],
- "lengthMenu": [[10, 25, 50, 100], [10, 25, 50, 100]],
- });
- }
- }
- gbngUpdateListVM.init();
- });