how toset Monitor resolution of computer using .net program
Every pc's monitor cosists the menu button ,if click it and selelct the imagepositioning the a window with Horizontal position and Vertical position will come
if set the horzontal and vertical positions in that window then monitor screen positon will be adjusted according to those settings, this is the manual process which every PC will have
This process shoud be done with my .net C# program, means moniton shold be adjusted according to the horizontal and vertical postion settings which i set in my C# program
plese help me on this its urgent
please tell me is it possible to control montor postion of pc with .net program,
means if i set the X,Y valures in the .net program and if i run the program then my pc monitor should be minimized and maximized according to those X,Y values
X--Horizontal position
Y-Vertical position
I have little knowledge that it may be possible by using Win32API in our program, but i don't know how to use it
please help me on this