
how to write the code in class file in asp.net using c#

narasiman rao

narasiman rao

   Send SMS page as follows
  In send sms page gridview as follows
student id      Mobileno          
  1            9841578900     
 2             9845012121         
 3             9845120120           
 4             9878875452        
 5             9845421445
 Textbox1 as follows
Dear candidate, your course reporting timing is 8.30hrs.
Submit (Button)
Certificate details page as follows
     Student id              Mobileno
         11                       9845078905
         21                      9788788888
         31                      9789045678
         41                      9789045689 
         51                      9845054564 
       Textbox2 as follows
  Dear candidate, your certificate details has been approved.
Submit (Button)
I have one class file as follows

In that class i want to write the code.
When i click the submit button in Send SMS and Certificate details page
records have to be saved in track table.
 In track table  i want to save record as follows
 Studentid           Mobileno                      Message
 1            9841578900          Dear candidate, your course reporting timing is 8.30hrs. 
 2             9845012121       Dear candidate, your course reporting timing is 8.30hrs.   
 3             9845120120         Dear candidate, your course reporting timing is 8.30hrs.   
 4             9878875452        Dear candidate, your course reporting timing is 8.30hrs. 
 5             9845421445        Dear candidate, your course reporting timing is 8.30hrs. 

11 9845078905 Dear candidate, your certificate details has been approved.
21 9788788888 Dear candidate, your certificate details has been approved.
31 9789045678 Dear candidate, your certificate details has been approved.
41 9789045689 Dear candidate, your certificate details has been approved.
51 9845054564 Dear candidate, your certificate details has been approved.

 for that inserting the record in track table i want to write the code in class file.

pass the parameter in send sms and certificate details page.

for that how can i do in asp.net using c#.
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