Hi team
I am using where clause and my return results i get one value record list, is there a way within my IN statement i can also get other values by using where clause statement. See below image results.
[Station Description]
[Transaction Code],
[DateTime Passed]
from [Tracking_Server_DB].[dbo].TS_Station as stn
inner join [Tracking_Server_DB].[dbo].[Checkpoint Movement] as mv
on stn.[Transaction Code] = mv.[Transaction Code]
where stn.[Station Description] IN ('T0011', 'M250', 'T0011')
and [DateTime Passed] = '2021-08-26 22:49:19.000'
order by [DateTime Passed] desc
In summary want to get other values('T0011', 'R600', 'M000'), currently im receiving M250 only, hope make sense now.