
How to use Redis cache in Web Api with repository

Bala murugan

Bala murugan

am new in Redis cache implementation and got in simple example with getstring from Redis Cache which is working fine. But the Same time I didn't get any idea about Set and get list values through Redis.
I have Using Provider and Repository. Please help me how to further proceed...
  1. public List<Article> GetArticleListBySectionName(string sectionName, int RegionId, int Count, int CacheTime, string cacheKey, bool cacheEnable = falsestring expiryInMinutes = "NoExpiry")  
  2. {  
  3. {  
  4. cacheKey = GetCacheKey(cacheKey, Convert.ToString(sectionName));  
  5. List<Article> _article = _cacheProxy.Get<List<Article>>(cacheKey);  
  6. if (_article != null)  
  7. {  
  8. _article = _articleRepositary.GetArticleListBySectionName(sectionName, RegionId, Count, CacheTime);  
  9. _cacheProxy.Store<List<Article>>(_article, cacheKey, expiryInMinutes);  
  10. }  
  11. return _article;  
  12. }  
  13. }  
Here _cacheProxy.Get and _cacheProxy.Store getting null values..While executing this, I ll getting error page
Answers (1)