
How to use random Fuction and change the digits color in C#?

Joe Wilson

Joe Wilson

 In a windows form,After Create 30 text boxes in 10 arrangements and ask user  to enter his or her numbers in the text boxes of each arrangements after that check the numbers as i mentioned below.
First use random function to show three random numbers for viewers then use random function to choose the random series of numbers.
if the numbers which has been chosen be
one of the random numbers which has been created by random function and the position of the chosen number is equal print the chosen number by user green else if the number which has been chosen by random function get equal with the number which has been chosen by users print this number blue else print the chosen number by user black.
for example:
note: The random function choose 10 series of numbers for this example.
black: Shows that the chosen number is not in this arrangement of numbers .
green: Shows that the chosen number and the position of that is in this arrangement.
Blue: Shows that the chosen number is one of the arrangement's number but the position is not true.
Note:The user will enter his/her number in the 10 arrangements which one of each has 3 text box.
and after user entered his/her numbers in the text boxes compiler check that the entered number and changed their colors to colors which are above.(black,green,blue) 
the chosen number by random function
6 8 9
the number which are entering by users(first series)
0 1 3
the number which are entering by users(second arrangement of numbers)
4 5 3
the number which are entering by users(third arrangement of numbers)
8 1 6
the number which are entering by users(forth arrangement of numbers)
6 7 8
the number which are entering by users(fifth arrangement of numbers)
6 8 0
the number which are entering by users(sixth arrangement of numbers)
6 8 2
the number which are entering by users(seventh arrangement of numbers)
6 8 1
the number which are entering by users(eighth arrangement of numbers)
6 8 5
the number which are entering by users(ninth arrangement of numbers)
6 87
the number which are entering by users(tenth arrangement of numbers)
6 8