
How to use Kurento/STUN/TURN in a react js and Node js application

Sujeet Raman

Sujeet Raman


I have a project requirements to develop a Microsoft teams clone app in react js and node js .I have learned the basics of both react and node but when coming to project planning i am confused. I don’t know where to start and how to start this kind of application(unlike normal CRUD). As an initial stage I need to develop a screen share functionality, create, and join room functionality. I am confused where the node here.I am having certain check list which i have to use in this project.

react Js- for front end Node js- server communication, screen sharing, room creation etc.

Kurento and STUN/TURN servers i don’t know how to use Kurento/STUN/TURN servers and when to use.

Facing difficulties to find a project using this.Can anyone help me to understand how can i start? what all are the steps ?when to impliment these servers etc?

I need a help how to start here and want to understand when and where and how I can implement those servers.Couldnt find any sample app also.Any guidence will be helpfull

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