How to use for loop using listview to store items?
I am using listview to add items.This is the code i am using to add items in listview using ini file. It is storing only one item in listview,but i want to store more items.Can u help me?
listView1.Columns.Add("Dialled Numbers", 90, HorizontalAlignment.Left);
listView1.Columns.Add("Data and time of Call", 120, HorizontalAlignment.Center);
listView1.Columns.Add("Duration", 120, HorizontalAlignment.Right);
ListViewItem lstvew;
lstvew = listView1.Items.Add(logdial.IniReadValue("Information", "Dialled number"), 1);
lstvew.SubItems.Add(callpath.IniReadValue("Information", "Call Duration"));