Hello there guys,
Since I don't enjoy masm32 toomuch, since ASM is way too complicated for my brain,
I found an easier way to mix ASM code, with c++.
But, I decided that c++ is also too complicated for me...
I realized that for me to write certain application in c++, which ever it may be, I will do it in c# in most likely a forth of the time.. c# is much more simple in my opinion.
Is there ANY possible way to combine ASM with C# as well?...
This is the main ASM code I've been using since july to update the stuff.
- .486
- .model flat, stdcall
- option casemap: none
- include \masm32\include\windows.inc
- include \masm32\include\masm32.inc
- include \masm32\include\user32.inc
- include \masm32\include\kernel32.inc
- include \masm32\include\gdi32.inc
- include \masm32\include\debug.inc
- includelib \masm32\lib\masm32.lib
- includelib \masm32\lib\user32.lib
- includelib \masm32\lib\kernel32.lib
- includelib \masm32\lib\gdi32.lib
- includelib \masm32\lib\debug.lib
- include Tools.inc
- include Game.inc
- thread_Hotkeys proto :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD
- thread_Callback proto :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD
- thread_Hook proto
- .data
- szWindow db "StarCraft II", 0
- .data?
- thread_HookID dd ?
- thread_HotkeysID dd ?
- .code
- DllEntryPoint proc hInstDLL:DWORD, lpReason:DWORD, lpReserved:DWORD
- mov eax, lpReason
- .if (eax == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH)
- ; Check that the game version is correct.
- mov eax, hook_01
- mov al, byte ptr [eax]
- mov bl, byte ptr [h01_Reset]
- .if (al != bl)
- ret
- .endif
- ; Set up the hooking thread.
- invoke CreateThread, NULL, 0, addr thread_Hook, 0, 0, addr thread_HookID
- .endif
- ret
- DllEntryPoint endp
- thread_Hotkeys proc nCode:DWORD, wParam:DWORD, lParam:DWORD
- ; Hotkey callback thread.
- push eax
- mov eax, lParam
- or eax, 00FFFFFFh
- .if (nCode == HC_ACTION && eax != 0C0FFFFFFh)
- .if (wParam == VK_F5)
- .if (mState == 00h)
- ; Change to full mode.
- invoke Tools_PatchMemory, hook_01, addr h01_Reset, 6
- invoke Tools_PatchMemory, hook_02, addr h02_Full, 2
- mov mState, 01h
- .elseif (mState == 01h)
- ; Change to shared vision mode.
- invoke Tools_PatchMemory, hook_01, addr h01_Shared, 6
- invoke Tools_PatchMemory, hook_02, addr h02_Reset, 2
- mov mState, 02h
- .elseif (mState == 02h)
- ; Change to enemy vision mode.
- invoke Tools_PatchMemory, hook_01, addr h01_Enemy, 6
- invoke Tools_PatchMemory, hook_02, addr h02_Reset, 2
- mov mState, 03h
- .elseif (mState == 03h)
- invoke Tools_PatchMemory, hook_01, addr h01_Reset, 6
- invoke Tools_PatchMemory, hook_02, addr h02_Reset, 2
- mov mState, 00h
- .endif
- .endif
- .endif
- pop eax
- invoke CallNextHookEx, thread_HotkeysID, nCode, wParam, lParam
- ret
- thread_Hotkeys endp
- thread_Hook proc
- ; Hook setting thread.
- ; Show the ad.
- invoke MessageBox, NULL, CTEXT("Injected, you can close this now"), CTEXT("Injection Stats"), MB_OK
- ; Get the device context.
- invoke Tools_GetDeviceContext, addr szWindow
- ; Get the process ID.
- invoke FindWindow, 0, addr szWindow
- .if (eax == 0)
- invoke FindWindow, addr szWindow, 0 ;korean/taiwan client fix
- .endif
- invoke GetWindowThreadProcessId, eax, 0
- .if (eax != 0)
- ; Set the hotkey hook.
- invoke SetWindowsHookEx, WH_KEYBOARD, addr thread_Hotkeys, NULL, eax
- ; Save our thread handle and sleep.
- mov thread_HotkeysID, eax
- invoke Sleep, -1
- .endif
- thread_Hook endp
- End DllEntryPoint
- Game_TextOut proto :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD
- .data
- mState db 00h
- hook_01 dd 00A5C6D9h
- hook_02 dd 00A5C6DFh
- h01_Shared db 0B3h, 02h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h
- h01_Enemy db 0B3h, 03h, 90h, 90h, 90h, 90h
- h01_Reset db 8Ah, 1Dh, 0Ch, 2Dh, 5Ah, 01h
- h02_Full db 0EBh, 09h
- h02_Reset db 3Ah, 1Dh
- .code
- Game_TextOut proc lpX:DWORD, lpY:DWORD, lpText:DWORD, lpLen:DWORD
- ; Displays text at specific coordinates in-game.
- pushad
- mov ebx, hdcDevice
- invoke TextOut, ebx, lpX, lpY, lpText, lpLen
- popad
- ret
- Game_TextOut endp
- Tools_PatchMemory proto :DWORD, :DWORD, :DWORD
- Tools_SetHook proto :DWORD, :DWORD
- Tools_MoveString proto :DWORD, :DWORD
- Tools_GetDeviceContext proto :DWORD
- .data?
- hdcDevice dd ?
- hWindow dd ?
- .code
- Tools_PatchMemory proc lpOffset:DWORD, lpData:DWORD, lpLen:DWORD
- ; Patches specific memory locations of variable length.
- ; Give write permissions to the memory location.
- invoke VirtualProtect, lpOffset, lpLen, PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, addr lpOld
- .if (eax != 0)
- ; Write our data and return to the old permissions.
- invoke RtlMoveMemory, lpOffset, lpData, lpLen
- invoke VirtualProtect, lpOffset, lpLen, lpOld, addr lpOld
- .endif
- ret
- Tools_PatchMemory endp
- Tools_SetHook proc lpFrom:DWORD, lpTo:DWORD
- ; Sets up a jump to our internal code.
- push ecx
- push ebx
- mov ecx, lpFrom
- mov ebx, lpTo
- add ecx, 05h
- sub ebx, ecx
- lea ecx, lpJump
- mov byte ptr [ecx], 0E9h
- mov dword ptr [ecx+1], ebx
- invoke Tools_PatchMemory, lpFrom, addr lpJump, 5
- pop ebx
- pop ecx
- ret
- Tools_SetHook endp
- Tools_MoveString proc lpDest:DWORD, lpSource:DWORD
- ; Moves and terminates a string in memory.
- push ecx
- push ebx
- push edx
- mov ebx, lpDest
- mov ecx, lpSource
- .while (byte ptr [ecx] != 00h)
- mov dl, byte ptr [ecx]
- mov byte ptr [ebx], dl
- inc ecx
- inc ebx
- .endw
- mov byte ptr [ebx], 00h
- pop edx
- pop ebx
- pop ecx
- ret
- Tools_MoveString endp
- Tools_GetDeviceContext proc szWindow:DWORD
- ; Returns and stores a device context.
- push eax
- mov eax, szWindow
- invoke FindWindow, 0, eax
- invoke GetDC, eax
- mov hdcDevice, eax
- pop eax
- ret
- Tools_GetDeviceContext endp
Sorry, the code looks Horrible in the [code tag]
I can more or less mix these with c++ ,
But, can I with c# ?
The main question is, how would I create a memory hook with c#, and modify the memory valies values? ...
hook_01 dd 00A5C6D9h
hook_02 dd 00A5C6DFh
when 00A5C6D9 and
00A5C6DF are the offsets
Thank you