# Define the values for the multi-select picklist attribute
$optionSetValues = @(484800005, 484800001, 484800003)
# Create account data
$account = @{
"name" = "A Viansh" # Single Line Text
"Multiselection" = $optionSetValues # Multi-Select Option Set
# Update the account record
$accountRecord = Set-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -Id accounId -Fields $account
# Define the values for the multi-select picklist attribute
$optionSetValue1 = New-CrmOptionSetValue -Value 484800005
$optionSetValue2 = New-CrmOptionSetValue -Value 484800001
$optionSetValue3 = New-CrmOptionSetValue -Value 484800003
# Create account data
$account = @{
"name" = "AViansh" # Single Line Text
"Multiselection" = @($optionSetValue1, $optionSetValue2, $optionSetValue3) # Multi-Select Option Set
# Update the account record
$accountRecord = Set-CrmRecord -conn $conn -EntityLogicalName account -Id accountId -Fields $account