
How to start field AI project and How to make professional projects ?

ahmed salah

ahmed salah


I'm dot net devloper for more than 10 years . I need to learn AI and make projects for it and I don't have  any knowlege about that

so i have more questions and i need any one specialist AI answer for me

1- what best language i will learn to make AI projects ?

2- what courses I will study or learn step by step ?

3- what books can learn to me AI ?

3-what steps i will learn one by one to be professional ?

4-what courses online free and paid money that give courses on this field ?

5- are there are any places or companies request projects can do to lean AI more for training ?

6-what website that support learning on AI and what Operationg system will serve AI windpws or linux ?

7- What companies request developers to make projects on AI ?

can you please answer me for this questions please if possible

because I need to learn AI and make projects but i don't know from which place i can start ?

Answers (6)