
How to solve the parameter problem in sql server

ma ouml

ma ouml

Hi friends
I have a table named "attachment_marche"
create table attachement_marche
Id_attachement_marche int primary key identity NOT NULL,
Id_decompte int foreign key references decompte (Id_decompte),
Id_bon_reception_marche int foreign key references bon_reception_marche(Id_bon_reception_marche),
Id_marche int foreign key references marche(Id_marche),
Num_attachement varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS,
Date_etablissement date,
Date_debut date,
Date_fin date,
Flag_dernier varchar(20)COLLATE French_CI_AS,
Montant float,
Ind_supp int DEFAULT 1,
User_create varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS NOT NULL,
Date_create datetime DEFAULT getdate() NOT NULL,
User_modif varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS ,
Date_modif varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS
And a table named bon_reception_marche
create table bon_reception_marche
Id_bon_reception_marche int primary key identity NOT NULL,
Id_marche int foreign key references marche(Id_marche),
Designation_bon_reception varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS,
Num_bon_reception varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS,
Date_commande date,
Date_reception date,
Unite varchar(50) COLLATE French_CI_AS,
Qte float,
Prix_unitaire float,
Montant float,
TVA float,
MO varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS,
OT varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS,
Ind_supp int DEFAULT 1,
User_create varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS NOT NULL,
Date_create datetime DEFAULT getdate() NOT NULL,
User_modif varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS ,
Date_modif varchar(100) COLLATE French_CI_AS,
I want to display the vouchers of receipts which are between two dates and which are not affected to any attachment of the market
I tested this request but did not work
select * from bon_reception_marche where
Id_bon_reception_marche NOT IN
(select Id_bon_reception_marche from attachement_marche where Id_marche in
(select Id_marche from marche where Num_marche = 'DG/01/2014'))
and Date_reception between '2016-07-07' and '2017-06-19' and
Id_marche in (select TOP 1 Id_marche from marche where Num_marche = 'DG/01/2014')
And thanks in advance friends
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