
How to show separate aspx depends on user entr save and new

Rocky Rocky

Rocky Rocky

Hai Friends,
   i ve the travel page.aspx

2 pannels in aspx page
1)basic details <pannel=1>
 i)travel purpose="textbox"
 ii)travel amount = "textbox"
after filling the details ll choose the travel request<pannel=2>
 in that
i)departuredate = jquerydatepicker
ii)from place = textbox
iii)to place = textbox
iv)travel mode = textbox
after fill the all details press "ADD" that details ll show on GridView like these

departuedate    from place   to place travel MOde

here if i am choose save that above details ll save and redirect into HOME.aspx page in that ve  column name DRAFT ll show like

departuredate(linkbutton) travel purpose    travel amount

(ve done these much )

now i m struck my requirement is.....
1)when i choose date from draft redirect into travelpage.aspx (pannel=1) with i m filled text
(pannel=2) show the gridview date what i m entered dates?
2)then i choose new request means travelpage.aspx (pannel=1 & pannel=2) ll be shown with out any text  and dates.

(here i  thought one idea when i was choose draft ll redirect travelpage.aspx what i entered the text.
 making new request means ll redirect into travelpages.aspx it contains empty alwys(pannel=1 & panne=2) is it possible?

do the need full?

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