How to show grid view empty when i make new request?
Hai Friends,
I ve the page like below
travel_purpose = textbox
total_amount = textbox
these information ll store on my table in "travel_request"
table structure:
create table travel_request
request_id int identity,
user_id varchar(100),
travel_purpose varchar(100),
toatal_amount varchar(20)
i made here when the person is entered to fill above text box request_id ll be generated.
departure date =textbox
from_place = textbox
to_place = textbox
travel_mode = textbox
request_id "visible=false" = text box
ADD(button) (after pressing these button above details ll show on grid view).
these deatils ll stored on
create table onward_journey
journey_id int identity,
request_id int references travel_request(request_id),
departuredate datetime,
from_palce varchar(20),
To_place varchar(20),
travel_mode varchar(20)
so i made the query for displaying gridviews:
select * from onward_journey where request_id = IDENT_CURRENT('Travel_request')
now the problem is when i try to made new request that time also gridview contains last request_id value.
above query is the problem......
i need the solution when i make new request grid ll show "empty" (i.e doesnt show previous value of request).