
How to Send/Receive text file over 1553 Card?

The Tehie

The Tehie

How to Send/Receive text file over 1553 Card from Bus Controller(BC) to the Remote Terminal (RT) and vice versa?
I am looking for a desktop application(GUI) that is being developed using C# language.
my requirements for a desktop application using C# are
  1. Make a GUI for BC to
    1. Upload a text file(.txt) on button click event.
    2. Send text file to the RT from BC on the SEND button click event.
    3. RECEIVE text file from the RT to the BC on button click event.
    4. A Bus monitor window for monitoring all activities happening between BC and an RT
    5. Save the received text file on a local drive.
  2. Make a GUI for RT to
    1. Upload text file(.txt) on button click event.
    2. Send text file to the BC on SEND button click event.
    3. RECEIVE text file from the BC on button click event.
    4. A Bus monitor window for monitoring all activities happening between an RT and BC.
    5. Save the received text file on a local drive.
Please help me out to achieve this.
Thank You
Answers (1)