
How to select multiple label controls on run time?, and how

Tamil Rk

Tamil Rk

I'm using a c# windows application. need an option for "Align Lefts" and "Align Tops" like windows form controls align tool.
I have used "Control. Draggable" package to moving the label controls on run time and need below option:
In runtime,
1. Align lefts button:
-- if I select label2, label3, and label4 & click to Align left button, then label3, and label4 should move in X position location same as label2 X position.
2. Align Tops button
-- if I select label3, label1, and label2 & click to Align Tops button, then label2, and label1 should move in Y position location same as label3 Y position.
i attached the video link and sample sources code. please suggest me, how to implement this option on run time.
Video Link 
 Sources code download link:
Answers (1)